Course Outline
- Creating Dashboards in SharePoint
- Defining dashboards
- Delivering dashboards with SharePoint
- Customizing SharePoint web pages
- Architecting Wiki and Web Part pages
- Publishing Excel in Dashboards
Leveraging Excel Access Web Parts
- Displaying Excel in SharePoint pages
- Connecting Excel Web Parts
- Tailoring Excel Access Web Parts
Incorporating Excel Services
- Evaluating Excel Services publishing options
- Detecting parameters in Excel Services
- Assembling Power Pivot in Excel
- Deploying Business Reports
Exposing SQL Server Reporting Services
- Assessing capabilities of SQL Server Reporting Services
- Allocating a Reports Library
- Adding SQL Server Reports to web pages
Utilizing third–party Web Parts
- Enhancing dashboards with Web Parts
- Integrating third–party Web Parts with List Data
- Implementing SharePoint Apps
Consuming SharePoint Lists as a data source
- Uncovering SharePoint Lists as dashboard items
- Enabling functionality of Lists with Views
- Enhancing SharePoint Lists with metadata
Charting SharePoint Lists
- Investigating charting options
- Connecting Lists to charting Web Parts
- Exhibiting SharePoint Lists on web pages
- Working with the Business Intelligence Center
Adopting Self–Service BI
- Getting started using a BI Center
- Identifying components of a BI Center site template
- Benefiting from PerformancePoint functionalities
- Configuring data connections
Planning for a successful dashboard
- Gathering user information needs
- Locating data sources
- Sketching a mock–up
Authoring feature–rich content
- Analyzing data structures for accuracy in reporting
- Selecting Facts and Dimensions for business reporting
- Consuming a Tabular Model and Analysis Services Cube
- Engineering content for visualization
Exploiting PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer
- Producing reports, charts, graphs and filters
- Formulating KPIs and indicators
- Developing reports and scorecards to measure performance
- Slicing and dicing with Power Pivot
- Providing decomposition tree functionality
Building the dashboard in SharePoint
- Combining reporting objects on a web page
- Applying filters to reports and graphs
- Extending KPIs with trend indicators
- Targeting access to various audiences
- Enhancing Dashboards with SharePoint Web Parts
Drilling–down for root–cause analysis
- Taking advantage of Out–of–the–Box Web Parts
- Filtering Web Parts
- Surfacing information with Query Web Parts
- Displaying videos with Media Web Parts
Evaluating Web Part sources
- Detecting third–party providers
- Appraising the need for custom building
- Launching a Dashboard Portal
Designing intuitive navigation
- Uncovering the need for navigation
- Selecting SharePoint options for web page transitions
Building portal pages
- Implementing Promoted Links App
- Exploiting Links App
- Leveraging Wiki page editing
- Modifying Current and Global Navigation